Who We Are

MCF begin in 1995 as a home church. In just a few months it outgrew that space and, for the next ten years, met in Matoaca Middle School. In March of 2005 ground was broken at the current site, and the first service celebrated here was Christmas of that year.

Now, we are dozens of families of all ages, and from all walks of life. We are always happy to include more of God’s children in our fellowship. Bring your talents and grow with us.

Sr. Pastor Roger Toler

Brother Roger first felt drawn to the ministry at age 12. Although this seemed a natural fit as he followed in the footsteps of two grandfathers, it was over the span of many years that God grew him into this role. After high school he left his hometown of Man, WV for the US army to serve as an infantryman.

After his discharge he moved to Powhatan, Virginia and started his adult ministry as an associate pastor. With two stops as a senior pastor; one in Gilbert, WVA (where he worked with a mortician) and one in Cumberland, Va., Brother Roger developed a heart for the lost and broken people in the communities, both the saved and unsaved. Because of this, he is still involved in Prison Ministry to this day.

Brother Roger raised his family in Chesterfield, VA and ran a successful painting and contracting company for over 20 years. Most recently he served as an associate pastor at a large church in North Chesterfield, where he served under many different ministries. It was from this church that God called him to be Senior Pastor at Matoaca Christian Fellowship.

Brother Roger is a simple man with simple goals: to be a lighthouse to the community in Southern Chesterfield county, to see the lost won, believers discipled, and ministers dispersed to fulfill the great commission.

In his spare time, Brother Roger appreciates a highway cruise on a bike, preferably a Harley Davidson, and watching a good football game.

Brother Jim Harrison,
Leader of Men’s Ministry

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

I received Jesus Christ as my personal savior on 12/27/1982! I’m a testimony to the amazing grace and keeping power of God. By His power I have been drug and alcohol free for over 40 years! The Lord provided me with a beautiful wife and helpmate, “Toni” Harrison. We have been married since March 24, 1979. We are blessed with children and grandchildren!

My calling is teaching and, specifically, Men’s Ministry. The Lord has placed me as leader of the Men of MCF ministry! This brings great joy to me personally and the men of our group are an incredible bunch! We enjoy a once a month fellowship breakfast and devotion every 3rd Saturday at 8:30 AM. We have events that are planned once a quarter with new ones added as we go!! Please come and be a part of this exciting ministry!

Susan Andrews, Church Secretary and Bookkeeper

My husband, Andy and I have two fantastic children (Gaston and Casey) and we have 5 grandchildren (Reese, Cora, Luke, Clay, and June). Each of them are amazing children in their own special way (we love them with all of our hearts). God has blessed us immensely with our family and we are so thankful.

I received Jesus Christ as my Savior at 10 years old in 1968. My Mom was a great influence in my young life and teaching me the Love of Jesus. I am so thankful to her for leading me to Christ. Andy received Jesus Christ in 2009 at MCF and has grown so much in his faith.

Andy and I have been chartering members of Matoaca Christian Fellowship since October 15, 1995.

In the past, I worked at different companies in the field of government contracting, placing plants in the garden area at Lowe’s for Plant Partners and have since retired and am now working part-time as the secretary and bookkeeper of MCF since June 23, 2021. It brings me joy to help the people of Matoaca Christian Fellowship whether members or just visiting MCF (they are all God’s people).

Andy previously worked for his dad as a boy working for Triangle Heating. He’s worked several jobs including Virginia Electric Power Company (VEPCO and currently known as Dominion Energy). Over 35 years Andy had in his own business with lawn irrigation and accent lighting known as AAndrews, LLC. He has since retired the lawn irrigation but continues to install home accent lights and will soon begin a new business adventure and he’s excited to venture into this new business as he loves to be around people. As long as I‘ve known Andy, he has always been passionate as a fisherman catching those big slimy fish is a great challenge for him and he loves the comradery with the other fishermen. He is an amazing husband!

Kenneth Dixon, Elder

Elder Dixon was born in Dalton, Georgia. He gave his life to Jesus in 1965 and was baptized in the creek. He married Joan in 1957. He retired from the Army as a First Sgt. in 1978 at Ft. Lee.

Brother Dixon has served as an Elder at MCF for 25 years. He has also taught Adult Bible study.